You might have seen this symbol before, it’s called the yin-yang symbol. It’s most basic meaning is clear: maintain balance. But the meaning of Yin and Yang goes much deeper than that.
Few ancient philosophies have been as influential as Taoism. Developed in the 4th century B.C., the philosophy is centered around the achievement of ‘the Way’ and finding harmony and balance within. The yin is the dark swirl and the yang is the light one. And each side has a dot of opposite color. That means, everything contains the seed of its opposite.
Yin and Yang are not totally opposites, they are relative each other. Something can be yin or yang, depending on lots of things. So, while wheat that’s growing is yang and when it’s being reaped, it’s yin. A wave’s crest is yang, and the trough is yin. The brake is yin to the gas pedal’s yang. Yang is harder, stronger, brighter, and faster. The pitch is yang, and the catch is yin. The yang starts an action, and the yin receives it, completes it. Yang goes berserk sometimes, but there’s some powerful yins too. Yin is the darker swirl, the female, but there is a white dot in it. And yang is the lighter, the male, but it has a black dot. Water flowing calmly in a river is yin, but when it goes over the waterfall, it’s very yang.
The Tao, they called. Taoism teach that there is a power in the universe. It’s higher, deeper, and truer than any other force. The Tao has two sides. Taoism teach that we need to learn from both yin and yang. Taoists believe that living in harmony with the way, a person will not have to fight. So, for example, listen more, argue less, be ready to back up or undo something, and you will make even faster progress. Don’t worry about being the best, be who you are. Yin and Yang is about not pushing back but accepting life’s contrasts and learning to see the good, and the bad, in everything.